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Cranberry Punch - Frank Torres Colombia-

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Farmer: Frank TorresOrigin: Finca La Indonesia, Nariño
Process: Semi-Anaerobic Natural Variety: CaturraImpressions: : Lemon-Lime, Cranberry, Caramel, Red FruitsDrying Method: Covered PatiosAltitude: 1750-1850 MASLSeries: ShowerImporter: Apex 
Roast Level: Medium-Light250g

La Indonesia is located in La Union, 90km from Pasto. Thanks to the efforts of farmers like Frank, this area has been transformed from one of illicit trade and violence into a resilient community dedicated to growing specialty coffee. This farm is a Torres family inheritance known for exceptional coffee production for over 40 years.

Frank has inherited a part of this farm and is in charge of overseeing all processing and farming practices. He is a Q grader who has been passionate about coffee ever since he was young. He started his coffee career by working for Starbucks' specialty coffee program, as well as a green coffee buyer for exporters and importers. This network of experience has helped him push the boundaries of processing, making his farm one of the most unique, and innovative in Colombia. His continuous efforts to improve farming practices have helped him turn 90% of his farm organic as a way to preserve soil conditions and protect his crops from plague and devastation.

His continuous efforts to advance his post-harvest techniques are evident in the outstanding clarity and sweetness of this year's harvest.

Harvested cherries are measured for their sugar content, ensuring a reading of 22 degrees Brix is reached before picking. Selected ripe cherries are floated in water to remove defects before being washed in a mixture of water and alcohol. The cherries are then put into food-grade plastic tanks, where they undergo a period of fermentation for 100–120 hours. Afterwards, the cherries are rinsed with clean water and alcohol and dried for approximately 20 days on covered patios until the humidity level reaches 10-11%.

We wouldn't classify this as a typical Anaerobic Natural as that would imply that it's fermentation with void of oxygen. In talking with Jeff at Apex we have learnt that Frank leaves the lids of the plastic tanks removed, and this creates a coffee that is different than a traditional Natural process but not quite as funky as a traditional Anaerobic. We love it for its complexity, sparkling acidity and juicy sweetness. Reminding us of our favourite party punch, with impressions of lemon-lime and cranberries. 

Price Transparency: FOT Costs: $18.89USD KGRoasted Costs: $21.55USD KG


Cranberry Punch - Frank Torres Colombia

Fitting information:

  • Upon seas hath every years have whose subdue creeping they're it were.
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Model measurements:

  • Height: 1.80 m
  • Bust/Chest: 89 cm
  • Hips: 91 cm
  • Waist: 65 cm
  • Model size: M

Size chart

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Cranberry Punch - Frank Torres Colombia

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